Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, February 21, 2011

Four Months!

Really?!?! I have a four month old??? To say these last four months have gone by in the blink of an eye just doesn't do it justice. Time with my precious baby girl goes by way too fast! Clay and I have gotten into the swing of things raising a baby girl (i.e. accepted the fact that we don't have a clue and we learn as we go!) and I honestly don't really remember our life without her. We are on a great schedule for the time being and although I get sad thinking about how fast time has gone, every day seems to be more and more fun! Claire is discovering the world around her and learning new things all the time. Her big bright eyes and sweet smiles melt our hearts and bring so much joy to our lives!

Claire's four month well check was today and the pediatrician said everything was perfect! She got two shots, one in each chunky little thigh and one oral vaccine. I was so proud of my sweet baby who was all smiles and laughter, until the shots of course!

Here are her latest stats:
-Weight: 13 lbs 8 oz (~50th percentile)
-Height: 25 inches (~75th percentile)
-Head: 39 cm (~10th percentile)

And here is what she has been up to lately:
-Most days, but not all:
     -Eats 5 times a day (8:00. 11:00. 2:00. 5:00. 7:30.)
     -Takes 3 naps (9:30. 12:30. 3:30.)
     -Sleeps from 8:00PM to 8:00AM

A little side note: I think being on a schedule is super beneficial for mom and baby, but I also want Claire to be flexible and able to adapt to different environments. We try to get out and about at least once a day and nap time might just be in the car seat or in someone's arms! And meal time might be 30 minutes early/late!

-Eats breast milk only
-Rolls from stomach to back
-Grabs her knees
-Does a pike (raising her legs straight up) and rolls from side to side
-Turns on her side from her back
-Reaches for and grabs rattles and toys with both hands
-Puts everything in her mouth!
-Loves the bouncer and standing up
-Holds our hands and pulls herself from sitting to standing
-Does great in the bumbo but wants to stand up
-Talking lots (laughing, cooing, gurgling, screaming)
-Getting very attached to her mommy
-Loves looking at us and touching our faces

Our 4 Month Old!
Admiring her outfit...

So sweet and so happy...

This was right before we left for the Dr.'s office.
She has no idea what's in store!

1 comment:

  1. Doesn't it go by SO fast?! Motherhood is absolutely amazing. She is such a doll!!
