Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Two Month Check Up

We just got home from Claire's TWO month well check. She is doing absolutely wonderful and everything checked out great! I feel so blessed to have such a happy, healthy baby girl!

Claire did great with her shots today! Such a little trooper. She was exhausted from all the excitement and quickly feel asleep on our way home.

I didn't waste any time putting her pants back on after her shots!
I had to love on my brave baby right away!

-Height: 24 inches (95th percentile)
-Weight: 11 lbs 3 oz (50th percentile)
-Head: 37.5 cm (25th percentile)

-Had her first night away from Mom and Dad on 12/17/10 (my parents eagerly jumped at the chance to stay over!)
-Loves the Bath, Hates getting out of the Bath
-Laughs, Smiles, and Dances on her changing table
-Fascinated with any lights and sound, much more aware of her environment
-"Talking" all the time..."coooo and ohhhhh and ahhh"
-Napping in her crib
-Still not a huge fan of tummy time, but is great at lifting her head and has much better neck control
-Has nothing to do with her pacie
-Sucks on her left fist/index finger instead of a pacie
-Nuzzles her head back and forth on your chest and shoulder (I love this!)
-Wearing mostly 3 month clothing but fitting in some 3-6 month clothing/pjs (yikes)
-Smiles back at us and recognizes our faces
-Has a ball standing up on her legs with support


  1. YOur daughter is precious! We have a Sadie Bear too; only Schweenie is her name. I'm a new follower!!! Congrats on your baby girl!
